A Comparative Study of Enhancing Girls’ Primary Education in Government Girls Primary Schools and Community Model


  • Dr. Zahida Habib University of Education, Lahore Author


Dakar Framework, CMS (Community Model School), EFA (Education for All), Govt Girls Pre-marry schools, Girls’ Pre-marry education


According to Economic Survey of Pakistan (2008-2009), Pakistan is committed for achieving the millennium development goals. All the agencies related to the development of education are striving for enhancing primary education in Pakistan. Primary education is being discussed , as an important issue at global level. The United Nations program of Education For All (EFA) was promoted in response to the commitment made at Dakar World Summit. The educational initiative taken by the Government of Pakistan was to increase the enrollment in primary education, which was reinforced by a loan to the value of $64.2 million approved by the Asian Development Bank for the Girls Primary Education Project. These funds were to be employed for construction of 873 Community Model Schools. The average cost of a typical Community Model School was an estimated 3,000,000 Pakistani rupees. A comparative research may help to assess the development pace of project, and explore the ways for adapting timely remedial measures. This research aims to compare the enrollment of students in Community Model Schools and Government Girls Primary School in Punjab. However, the accessible population was 350 schools (175 Community Model Schools and 175 Government Girls Primary Schools from 35 districts of Punjab. From each district, 10 Headmistresses, 20 teachers, 100 students, 100 parents, and 10 administrators were randomly selected. Student’s data of enrollment was collected through the school records. Data was analyzed by using descriptive information by applying frequency and percentages to compare both types of schools. Results showed that enrolment of Community Model Schools was better as compared to Government Girls Primary Schools.


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